Source code for echofilter.train

#!/usr/bin/env python

Model training routine.

# This file is part of Echofilter.
# Copyright (C) 2020-2022  Scott C. Lowe and Offshore Energy Research Association (OERA)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from collections import OrderedDict
import copy
import datetime
import os
import pprint
import shutil
import sys
import time
import traceback

    import apex
except ImportError:
    apex = None

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
import torch.nn
import torch.optim
import torchvision.transforms

from echofilter.nn.unet import UNet
from echofilter.nn.utils import count_parameters, seed_all
from echofilter.nn.wrapper import Echofilter, EchofilterLoss
from echofilter.optim import criterions, schedulers
from echofilter.optim.meters import AverageMeter, ProgressMeter
import echofilter.optim.utils
from echofilter.plotting import plot_transect_predictions
from echofilter.raw.loader import get_partition_list
from echofilter.raw.manipulate import load_decomposed_transect_mask
import echofilter.raw.shardloader
from echofilter.ui.train_cli import main

## For mobile dataset,
# DATA_CENTER = -81.5
# CENTER_METHOD = "mean"

## For stationary dataset,
# DATA_CENTER = -78.7
# CENTER_METHOD = "mean"

## For intermediate values between both datasets
# DATA_CENTER = -80.
# CENTER_METHOD = "mean"
# NAN_VALUE = -3

## Overall values to use
# DATA_CENTER = -97.5
# CENTER_METHOD = "pc10"
# NAN_VALUE = -1

# Normalise each sample independently, based on its own intensity distribution
CENTER_METHOD = "median"

# Transects to plot for debugging
    "mobile": [
    "MinasPassage": [
    "GrandPassage": [


[docs]def train( data_dir="/data/dsforce/surveyExports", dataset_name="mobile", train_partition=None, val_partition=None, sample_shape=(128, 512), crop_depth=None, resume="", restart="", log_name=None, log_name_append=None, conditional=False, n_block=6, latent_channels=32, expansion_factor=1, expand_only_on_down=False, blocks_per_downsample=(2, 1), blocks_before_first_downsample=(2, 1), always_include_skip_connection=True, deepest_inner="horizontal_block", intrablock_expansion=6, se_reduction=4, downsampling_modes="max", upsampling_modes="bilinear", depthwise_separable_conv=True, residual=True, actfn="InplaceReLU", kernel_size=5, use_mixed_precision=None, amp_opt="O1", device="cuda", multigpu=False, n_worker=8, batch_size=16, stratify=True, n_epoch=20, seed=None, print_freq=50, optimizer="rangerva", schedule="constant", lr=0.1, momentum=0.9, base_momentum=None, weight_decay=1e-5, warmup_pct=0.2, warmdown_pct=0.7, anneal_strategy="cos", overall_loss_weight=0.0, ): """ Train a model. """ if restart and not resume: raise ValueError( "A checkpoint must be provided to restart from when doing a cold restart" ) # Lazy import of tensorboard, so training-only requirements are not needed # for automated documentation building. from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter seed_all(seed) # Can't get this to be deterministic anyway, so may as well keep the # non-deterministic optimization enabled torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = False torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # Input handling schedule = schedule.lower() if base_momentum is None: base_momentum = momentum if log_name is None or log_name == "": log_name ="%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S") if log_name_append is None: log_name_append = os.uname()[1] if len(log_name_append) > 0: log_name += "_" + log_name_append print("Output will be written to {}/{}".format(dataset_name, log_name)) if use_mixed_precision is None: use_mixed_precision = not "cpu" in device if use_mixed_precision and apex is None: print("NVIDIA apex must be installed to use mixed precision.") use_mixed_precision = False # Need to set the default device for apex.amp if device is not None and device != "cpu": torch.cuda.set_device(torch.device(device)) # Build dataset dataset_train, dataset_val, dataset_augval = build_dataset( dataset_name, data_dir, sample_shape, train_partition=train_partition, val_partition=val_partition, ) print("Train dataset has {:4d} samples".format(len(dataset_train))) print("Val dataset has {:4d} samples".format(len(dataset_val))) stratify_allowed = stratify if stratify_allowed: stratify = isinstance(dataset_train, if stratify: # Use custom stratified sampler to handle multiple datasets sampler = else: sampler = None loader_train = dataset_train, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=not stratify, sampler=sampler, num_workers=n_worker, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True,, ) loader_val = dataset_val, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=n_worker, pin_memory=True, drop_last=False,, ) loader_augval = dataset_augval, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=n_worker, pin_memory=True, drop_last=False,, ) print("Train loader has {:3d} batches".format(len(loader_train))) print("Val loader has {:3d} batches".format(len(loader_val))) print() print( "Constructing U-Net model with " "{} blocks, " "initial latent channels {}, " "expansion_factor {}".format(n_block, latent_channels, expansion_factor) ) model_parameters = dict( in_channels=1, out_channels=10, initial_channels=latent_channels, bottleneck_channels=latent_channels, n_block=n_block, unet_expansion_factor=expansion_factor, expand_only_on_down=expand_only_on_down, blocks_per_downsample=blocks_per_downsample, blocks_before_first_downsample=blocks_before_first_downsample, always_include_skip_connection=always_include_skip_connection, deepest_inner=deepest_inner, intrablock_expansion=intrablock_expansion, se_reduction=se_reduction, downsampling_modes=downsampling_modes, upsampling_modes=upsampling_modes, depthwise_separable_conv=depthwise_separable_conv, residual=residual, actfn=actfn, kernel_size=kernel_size, ) if conditional: model_parameters["out_channels"] *= 3 print() pprint.pprint(model_parameters) print() unet = UNet(**model_parameters) print( "Built UNet model with {} trainable parameters".format( count_parameters(unet, only_trainable=True) ) ) # define loss function (criterion) and optimizer criterion = EchofilterLoss(conditional=conditional, overall=overall_loss_weight) optimizer_name = optimizer.lower() if optimizer_name == "adam": optimizer_class = torch.optim.Adam elif optimizer_name == "adamw": optimizer_class = torch.optim.AdamW elif optimizer_name == "ranger": import ranger optimizer_class = ranger.Ranger elif optimizer_name == "rangerva": import ranger optimizer_class = ranger.RangerVA elif optimizer_name == "rangerqh": import ranger optimizer_class = ranger.RangerQH else: # We don't support arbitrary optimizers from torch.optim because they # need different configuration parameters to Adam. raise ValueError("Unrecognised optimizer: {}".format(optimizer)) optimizer = optimizer_class( unet.parameters(), lr, betas=(momentum, 0.999), weight_decay=weight_decay, ) schedule_data = {"name": schedule} lr_initial_div_factor = 1e3 lr_final_div_factor = 1e5 if schedule == "lrfinder": pass elif schedule == "constant": pass elif schedule == "onecycle": schedule_data["scheduler"] = schedulers.OneCycleLR( optimizer, max_lr=lr, steps_per_epoch=len(loader_train), epochs=n_epoch, pct_start=warmup_pct, anneal_strategy=anneal_strategy, cycle_momentum=True, base_momentum=base_momentum, max_momentum=momentum, div_factor=lr_initial_div_factor, final_div_factor=lr_final_div_factor, ) elif schedule == "mesaonecycle": schedule_data["scheduler"] = schedulers.MesaOneCycleLR( optimizer, max_lr=lr, steps_per_epoch=len(loader_train), epochs=n_epoch, pct_start=warmup_pct, pct_end=warmdown_pct, anneal_strategy=anneal_strategy, cycle_momentum=True, base_momentum=base_momentum, max_momentum=momentum, div_factor=lr_initial_div_factor, final_div_factor=lr_final_div_factor, ) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported schedule: {}".format(schedule)) if use_mixed_precision: print('Converting unet to mixed precision, opt="{}"'.format(amp_opt)) unet, optimizer = apex.amp.initialize(unet, optimizer, opt_level=amp_opt) model_inner = unet if multigpu and torch.cuda.device_count() > 1: print("Using local parallelism on {} GPUs".format(torch.cuda.device_count())) model_inner = torch.nn.DataParallel(model_inner) # Add UI wrapper around model model = Echofilter( model_inner, top="boundary", bottom="boundary", conditional=conditional, ) if schedule == "lrfinder": from torch_lr_finder import LRFinder print("Running learning rate finder") lr_finder = LRFinder(model, optimizer, criterion, device=device) lr_finder.range_test(loader_train, end_lr=100, num_iter=100, diverge_th=3) print("Plotting learning rate finder results") hf = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 9)) ax = plt.axes() lr_finder.plot(skip_start=0, skip_end=1, log_lr=True, ax=ax) plt.tick_params(reset=True, color=(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)) plt.tick_params(labelsize=14) ax.minorticks_on() ax.tick_params(direction="out") # Save figure figpth = os.path.join("models", dataset_name, log_name, "lrfinder.png") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(figpth), exist_ok=True) plt.savefig(figpth) print("LR Finder results saved to {}".format(figpth)) return # Initialise loop tracking start_epoch = 1 best_loss_val = float("inf") # optionally resume from a checkpoint if resume: if not os.path.isfile(resume): raise EnvironmentError("No checkpoint found at '{}'".format(resume)) print("Loading checkpoint '{}'".format(resume)) if device is None: checkpoint = torch.load(resume) else: # Map model to be loaded to specified single gpu. checkpoint = torch.load(resume, map_location=device) try: unet.load_state_dict(checkpoint["state_dict"]) except RuntimeError: print( "Checkpoint doesn't seem to be for the UNet component. Trying" " to load it as the whole model instead." ) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["state_dict"]) if restart == "cold": print("Loaded checkpoint '{}' for cold restart".format(resume)) else: optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint["optimizer"]) if use_mixed_precision and "amp" in checkpoint: apex.amp.load_state_dict(checkpoint["amp"]) if restart == "warm": # We loaded the optimizer state from the checkpoint to get the # current buffer values (the weighted history of updates). # However, this also changed our schedule settings to the ones # used to train the model in the checkpoint, so we need to # overwrite it with the schedule initialisation step now. for group in optimizer.param_groups: if "onecycle" in schedule: group["lr"] = group["initial_lr"] = lr / lr_initial_div_factor group["max_lr"] = lr group["min_lr"] = group["initial_lr"] / lr_final_div_factor group["base_momentum"] = base_momentum group["max_momentum"] = momentum else: group["lr"] = lr if "betas" in group: _, beta2 = group["betas"] group["betas"] = (momentum, beta2) else: group["momentum"] = momentum print("Loaded checkpoint '{}' for warm restart".format(resume)) elif not restart: start_epoch = checkpoint["epoch"] + 1 best_loss_val = checkpoint["best_loss"] if "scheduler" in schedule_data: step_num = checkpoint["epoch"] * len(loader_train) schedule_data["scheduler"].last_epoch = step_num print( "Loaded checkpoint '{}' (epoch {})".format(resume, checkpoint["epoch"]) ) # Make a tensorboard writer writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=os.path.join("runs", dataset_name, log_name)) print("Starting training") t_start = time.time() for epoch in range(start_epoch, n_epoch + 1): t_epoch_start = time.time() # Set the seed state at the start of each epoch # This ensures some level of consistency between models which continue # running and those resumed from checkpoints (don't want to run the # exact initial augmented samples from the first epoch again when # resuming later in the run) seed_all(1000 + seed + epoch) # Can't get this to be deterministic anyway, so may as well keep the # non-deterministic optimization enabled torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = False torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True # Resample offsets for each window loader_train.dataset.initialise_datapoints() # train for one epoch ( loss_tr, meters_tr, (ex_input_tr, ex_data_tr, ex_output_tr), (batch_time, data_time), ) = train_epoch( loader_train, model, criterion, optimizer, device, epoch, print_freq=print_freq, schedule_data=schedule_data, use_mixed_precision=use_mixed_precision, ) t_val_start = time.time() # evaluate on validation set loss_val, meters_val, (ex_input_val, ex_data_val, ex_output_val) = validate( loader_val, model, criterion, device, print_freq=print_freq, prefix="Validation", ) # evaluate on augmented validation set ( loss_augval, meters_augval, (ex_input_augval, ex_data_augval, ex_output_augval), ) = validate( loader_augval, model, criterion, device, print_freq=print_freq, prefix="Aug-Val ", ) t_val_end = time.time() print( "{}/{}\nCompleted {} of {} epochs in {}".format( dataset_name, log_name, epoch, n_epoch, datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.time() - t_start), ) ) # Print metrics to terminal name_fmt = "{:.<28s}" current_lr = echofilter.optim.utils.get_current_lr(optimizer) current_mom = echofilter.optim.utils.get_current_momentum(optimizer) print((name_fmt + " {:.4e}").format("Learning rate", current_lr)) print((name_fmt + " {:.4f}").format("Momentum", current_mom)) print( (name_fmt + " Train: {:.4e} AugVal: {:.4e} Val: {:.4e}").format( "Loss", loss_tr, loss_augval, loss_val ) ) for chn in meters_tr: if chn.lower() != "overall": continue # For each output plane print(chn) for cr in meters_tr[chn]: # For each criterion fmt_str = name_fmt fmt_str += " Train: {" + meters_tr[chn][cr].fmt + "}" fmt_str += " AugVal: {" + meters_augval[chn][cr].fmt + "}" fmt_str += " Val: {" + meters_val[chn][cr].fmt + "}" print( fmt_str.format( meters_tr[chn][cr].name, meters_tr[chn][cr].avg, meters_augval[chn][cr].avg, meters_val[chn][cr].avg, ) ) # Add hyper parameters to tensorboard writer.add_scalar("learning_rate", current_lr, epoch) writer.add_scalar("momentum", current_mom, epoch) writer.add_scalar( "parameter_count", count_parameters(model, only_trainable=True), epoch ) # Add metrics to tensorboard for loss_p, partition in ( (loss_tr, "Train"), (loss_val, "Val"), (loss_augval, "ValAug"), ): writer.add_scalar("{}/{}".format("Loss", partition), loss_p, epoch) for chn in meters_tr: # For each output plane for cr in meters_tr[chn]: # For each criterion writer.add_scalar( "{}/{}/{}".format(cr, chn, "Train"), meters_tr[chn][cr].avg, epoch ) writer.add_scalar( "{}/{}/{}".format(cr, chn, "ValAug"), meters_augval[chn][cr].avg, epoch, ) writer.add_scalar( "{}/{}/{}".format(cr, chn, "Val"), meters_val[chn][cr].avg, epoch ) # Determine whether to generate sample transect plots, or skip them if n_epoch < 20: # Every epoch generate_sample_images = True else: # Every 20th of the way through training generate_sample_images = ( int(20 * epoch / n_epoch) > 20 * (epoch - 1) / n_epoch ) # But always generate samples for first two epochs and last epoch if epoch <= 2 or epoch == n_epoch: generate_sample_images = True def ensure_clim_met(x, x0=0.0, x1=1.0): x = x.clone() x[0, :, 0, 0] = 0 x[0, :, 0, 1] = 1 return x def add_image_border(x): """ Add a green border around a a tensor of images. Parameters ---------- x : torch.Tensor Tensor in NCWH or NCHW format. Returns ------- torch.Tensor As `x`, but padded with a green border. """ if x.shape[1] == 1: x =[x, x, x], dim=1) if x.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError("RGB image needs three color channels") shp = list(x.shape) shp[-1] = 1 x = [ torch.zeros(shp, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device), x, torch.zeros(shp, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device), ], dim=-1, ) shp = list(x.shape) shp[-2] = 1 x = [ torch.zeros(shp, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device), x, torch.zeros(shp, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device), ], dim=-2, ) x[:, 1, :, 0] = 1.0 x[:, 1, :, -1] = 1.0 x[:, 1, 0, :] = 1.0 x[:, 1, -1, :] = 1.0 return x # Add example images to tensorboard for (ex_input, ex_data, ex_output), partition in ( ((ex_input_tr, ex_data_tr, ex_output_tr), "Train"), ((ex_input_val, ex_data_val, ex_output_val), "Val"), ((ex_input_augval, ex_data_augval, ex_output_augval), "ValAug"), ): if not generate_sample_images: continue writer.add_images( "Input/" + partition, ex_input, epoch, dataformats="NCWH", ) writer.add_images( "Overall/" + partition + "/Target", ensure_clim_met(add_image_border(ex_data["mask"].float().unsqueeze(1))), epoch, dataformats="NCWH", ) writer.add_images( "Overall/" + partition + "/Output/p", ensure_clim_met( add_image_border(ex_output["p_keep_pixel"].unsqueeze(1)) ), epoch, dataformats="NCWH", ) writer.add_images( "Overall/" + partition + "/Overlap", ensure_clim_met( add_image_border( torch.stack( [ ex_output["mask_keep_pixel"].float(), torch.zeros_like( ex_output["mask_keep_pixel"], dtype=torch.float ), ex_data["mask"].float(), ], dim=1, ) ) ), epoch, dataformats="NCWH", ) for k, plot_transects_k in PLOT_TRANSECTS.items(): if not generate_sample_images: continue if "stationary" in dataset_name and k != "mobile": pass elif k not in dataset_name: continue plot_crop_depth = crop_depth if plot_crop_depth is None: plot_crop_depth = DEFAULT_CROP_DEPTH_PLOTS for transect_name in plot_transects_k: transect, prediction = generate_from_shards( os.path.join(data_dir + "_sharded", transect_name), model, sample_shape=sample_shape, crop_depth=plot_crop_depth, device=device, dtype=torch.float, ) hf = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 9)) plot_transect_predictions( transect, prediction, cmap="viridis", linewidth=1 ) transect_name = transect_name.replace("/evExports", "") if epoch == n_epoch: # Only save png if this is the final epoch figpth = os.path.join( "models", dataset_name, log_name, "samples", transect_name + "_output.png", ) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(figpth), exist_ok=True) plt.savefig(figpth) writer.add_figure(transect_name, hf, epoch, close=True) # remember best loss and save checkpoint is_best = loss_val < best_loss_val best_loss_val = min(loss_val, best_loss_val) checkpoint = { "model_parameters": model_parameters, "sample_shape": sample_shape, "epoch": epoch, "state_dict": unet.state_dict(), "best_loss": best_loss_val, "optimizer": optimizer.state_dict(), "meters": meters_val, "data_center": DATA_CENTER, "data_deviation": DATA_DEVIATION, "center_method": CENTER_METHOD, "deviation_method": DEVIATION_METHOD, "nan_value": NAN_VALUE, "wrapper_mapping": model.mapping, "wrapper_params": model.params, "training_routine": "echofilter-train {}".format(echofilter.__version__), } if use_mixed_precision: checkpoint["amp"] = apex.amp.state_dict() if ( schedule == "mesaonecycle" and epoch / n_epoch <= warmdown_pct and (epoch + 1) / n_epoch > warmdown_pct ): dup = "ep{}".format(epoch) else: dup = None save_checkpoint( checkpoint, is_best, dirname=os.path.join("models", dataset_name, log_name), dup=dup, ) meters_to_csv( meters_val, is_best, dirname=os.path.join("models", dataset_name, log_name) ) # Note how long everything took writer.add_scalar("time/batch", batch_time.avg, epoch) writer.add_scalar("time/batch/data", data_time.avg, epoch) writer.add_scalar("time/train", t_val_start - t_epoch_start, epoch) writer.add_scalar("time/val", t_val_end - t_val_start, epoch) writer.add_scalar("time/log", time.time() - t_val_end, epoch) writer.add_scalar("time/epoch", time.time() - t_epoch_start, epoch) # Ensure the tensorboard outputs for this epoch are flushed writer.flush() # Close tensorboard connection writer.close()
[docs]def build_dataset( dataset_name, data_dir, sample_shape, train_partition=None, val_partition=None, crop_depth=None, random_crop_args={}, ): """ Construct a pytorch Dataset. Parameters ---------- dataset_name : str Name of the dataset. This can optionally be a list of multiple datasets joined with `"+"`. data_dir : str Path to root data directory, containing the dataset. sample_shape : iterable of length 2 The shape which will be used for training. train_partition : str, optional Name of the partition to use for training. Can optionally be a list of multiple partitions joined with `"+"`. Default is `"train"` (except for `stationary2` where it is mixed). val_partition : str, optional Name of the partition to use for validation. Can optionally be a list of multiple partitions joined with `"+"`. Default is `"validate"` (except for `stationary2` where it is mixed). crop_depth : float or None, optional Depth at which to crop samples. Default is `None`. random_crop_args : dict, optional Arguments to control the random crop used during training. Default is an empty dict, which uses the default arguments of ``. Returns ------- dataset_train : Dataset of training samples. dataset_val : Dataset of validation samples. dataset_augval : Dataset of validation samples, appyling the training augmentation stack. """ if "+" in dataset_name: # Join multiple datasets together datasets = [ build_dataset( subdataset_name, data_dir=data_dir, sample_shape=sample_shape, train_partition=train_partition, val_partition=val_partition, crop_depth=crop_depth, random_crop_args=random_crop_args, ) for subdataset_name in dataset_name.split("+") if len(subdataset_name) > 0 ] return tuple([d[i] for d in datasets]) for i in range(len(datasets[0])) ) if dataset_name == "stationary2": # The stationary2 dataset is MinasPassage and GrandPassage, # plus a second duplicate copy of GrandPassage which uses only zoomed # out depth crops. random_crop_args2 = copy.deepcopy(random_crop_args) random_crop_args2["p_crop_is_none"] = 0.2 random_crop_args2["p_crop_is_optimal"] = 0.0 random_crop_args2["p_crop_is_close"] = 0.0 # By default, we only evaluate on the validation partition of # MinasPassage, and train on the train partition of both plus the # validation partition of GrandPassage. if train_partition is None and val_partition is None: train_partition_main = "train" val_partition_main = "validate" train_partition_aux = "train+validate" val_partition_aux = "" else: train_partition_main = train_partition_aux = train_partition val_partition_main = val_partition_aux = val_partition # Assemble the datasets datasets = [ build_dataset( "MinasPassage", data_dir=data_dir, sample_shape=sample_shape, train_partition=train_partition_main, val_partition=val_partition_main, crop_depth=crop_depth, random_crop_args=random_crop_args, ), build_dataset( "GrandPassage", data_dir=data_dir, sample_shape=sample_shape, train_partition=train_partition_aux, val_partition=val_partition_aux, crop_depth=crop_depth, random_crop_args=random_crop_args, ), build_dataset( "GrandPassage", data_dir=data_dir, sample_shape=sample_shape, train_partition=train_partition_aux, val_partition=val_partition_aux, crop_depth=crop_depth, random_crop_args=random_crop_args2, ), ] return tuple([d[i] for d in datasets]) for i in range(len(datasets[0])) ) if train_partition is None: train_partition = "train" if val_partition is None: val_partition = "validate" # Augmentations train_transform = torchvision.transforms.Compose( [**random_crop_args),,, DATA_DEVIATION),, 0.3),, sample_shape, order=None, p=0.5, sigma=[8, 16], alpha=0.1, ),, order=None), ] ) val_transform = torchvision.transforms.Compose( [,, DATA_DEVIATION),,, order=1), ] ) train_paths = [] for partition_name in train_partition.split("+"): if len(partition_name) == 0: continue train_paths += get_partition_list( partition_name, dataset=dataset_name, partitioning_version="firstpass", root_data_dir=data_dir, full_path=True, sharded=True, ) val_paths = [] for partition_name in val_partition.split("+"): if len(partition_name) == 0: continue val_paths += get_partition_list( partition_name, dataset=dataset_name, partitioning_version="firstpass", root_data_dir=data_dir, full_path=True, sharded=True, ) print( "Found {:3d} train sample paths from partition {} for dataset {}".format( len(train_paths), train_partition, dataset_name ) ) print( "Found {:3d} val sample paths from partition {} for dataset {}".format( len(val_paths), val_partition, dataset_name ) ) dataset_args = {} if dataset_name == "mobile": dataset_args["remove_nearfield"] = False dataset_args["remove_offset_turbulence"] = 0 dataset_args["remove_offset_bottom"] = 1.0 elif dataset_name == "MinasPassage": dataset_args["remove_nearfield"] = True # NB: Nearfield distance is 1.7, except for the samples: # march2018_D20180502-T045216_D20180502-T102215 # march2018_D20180502-T105216_D20180502-T162215 # march2018_D20180502-T165215_D20180502-T222216 # march2018_D20180502-T225214_D20180503-T042215 # For which it is 1.744 dataset_args["nearfield_distance"] = 1.745 dataset_args["remove_offset_turbulence"] = 0 dataset_args["remove_offset_bottom"] = 0 elif dataset_name == "GrandPassage": dataset_args["remove_nearfield"] = True dataset_args["nearfield_distance"] = 1.7 dataset_args["remove_offset_turbulence"] = 1.0 dataset_args["remove_offset_bottom"] = 0 dataset_train = train_paths, window_len=sample_shape[0], p_scale_window=0.8, num_windows_per_transect=None, use_dynamic_offsets=True, crop_depth=crop_depth, transform=train_transform, **dataset_args, ) dataset_val = val_paths, window_len=sample_shape[0], p_scale_window=0, num_windows_per_transect=None, use_dynamic_offsets=False, crop_depth=crop_depth, transform=val_transform, **dataset_args, ) dataset_augval = val_paths, window_len=sample_shape[0], p_scale_window=0.8, num_windows_per_transect=None, use_dynamic_offsets=False, crop_depth=crop_depth, transform=train_transform, **dataset_args, ) return dataset_train, dataset_val, dataset_augval
[docs]def train_epoch( loader, model, criterion, optimizer, device, epoch, dtype=torch.float, print_freq=10, schedule_data=None, use_mixed_precision=False, continue_through_error=True, ): """ Train a model through a single epoch of the dataset. Parameters ---------- loader : iterable, Dataloader. model : callable, echofilter.nn.wrapper.Echofilter Model. criterion : callable, torch.nn.modules.loss._Loss Loss function. device : str or torch.device Which device the data should be loaded onto. epoch : int Which epoch is being performed. dtype : str or torch.dtype Datatype which which the data should be loaded. print_freq : int, optional Number of batches between reporting progress. Default is `10`. schedule_data : dict or None If a learning rate schedule is being used, this may be passed as a dictionary with the key `"scheduler"` mapping to the learning rate schedule as a callable. use_mixed_precision : bool Whether to use :meth:`apex.amp.scale_loss` to automatically scale the loss. Default is `False`. continue_through_error : bool Whether to catch errors within an individual batch, ignore them and continue running training on the rest of the batches. If there are five or more errors while processing the batch, training will halt regardless of `continue_through_error`. Default is `True`. Returns ------- average_loss : float Average loss as given by criterion (weighted equally for each sample in `loader`). meters : dict of dict Each key is a strata of the model output, each mapping to a their own dictionary of evaluation criterions: "Accuracy", "Precision", "Recall", "F1 Score", "Jaccard". examples : tuple of torch.Tensor Tuple of `(example_input, example_data, example_output)`. timing : tuple of floats Tuple of `(batch_time, data_time)`. """ if schedule_data is None: schedule_data = {"name": "constant"} batch_time = AverageMeter("Time", ":6.3f") data_time = AverageMeter("Data", ":6.3f") losses = AverageMeter("Loss", ":6.3f") meters = {} for chn in [ "Overall", "Turbulence", "Bottom", "RemovedSeg", "Passive", "Patch", "Surface", ]: for condition in model.conditions: cs = condition if condition != "": cs = "|" + condition cc = chn + cs meters[cc] = {} meters[cc]["Accuracy"] = AverageMeter("Accuracy (" + cc + ")", ":6.2f") meters[cc]["Precision"] = AverageMeter("Precision (" + cc + ")", ":6.2f") meters[cc]["Recall"] = AverageMeter("Recall (" + cc + ")", ":6.2f") meters[cc]["F1 Score"] = AverageMeter("F1 Score (" + cc + ")", ":6.4f") meters[cc]["Jaccard"] = AverageMeter("Jaccard (" + cc + ")", ":6.4f") progress = ProgressMeter( len(loader), [ batch_time, data_time, losses, meters["Overall"]["Accuracy"], meters["Overall"]["Jaccard"], ], prefix="Epoch: [{}]".format(epoch), ) # switch to train mode model.train() example_input = example_data = example_output = None n_backward_errors = 0 end = time.time() for i, (input, metadata) in enumerate(loader): # measure data loading time data_time.update(time.time() - end) input =, dtype, non_blocking=True) metadata = { k:, dtype, non_blocking=True) for k, v in metadata.items() } # Compute output output = model(input) loss = criterion(output, metadata) # Record loss ns = input.size(0) losses.update(loss.item(), ns) with torch.no_grad(): if i == max(0, len(loader) - 2): example_input = input.detach() example_data = {k: v.detach() for k, v in metadata.items()} example_output = output.detach() # Measure and record performance with various metrics for chn_cond, meters_k in meters.items(): chnparts = chn_cond.split("|") chn = chnparts[0].lower() if len(chnparts) < 2: cs = cond = "" else: cond = chnparts[1] cs = "|" + cond if chn.startswith("overall"): output_k = output["mask_keep_pixel" + cs].float() target_k = metadata["mask"] elif chn.startswith("turbulence"): output_k = output["p_is_below_turbulence" + cs] target_k = 1 - metadata["mask_turbulence"] elif chn.startswith("surf"): output_k = output["p_is_below_surface" + cs] target_k = 1 - metadata["mask_surface"] elif chn.startswith("bottom"): output_k = output["p_is_above_bottom" + cs] target_k = 1 - metadata["mask_bottom"] elif chn.startswith("removedseg"): output_k = output["p_is_removed" + cs] target_k = metadata["is_removed"] elif chn.startswith("passive"): output_k = output["p_is_passive" + cs] target_k = metadata["is_passive"] elif chn.startswith("patch"): output_k = output["p_is_patch" + cs] target_k = metadata["mask_patches"] else: raise ValueError("Unrecognised output channel: {}".format(chn)) if cond: if cond.startswith("up"): mask = metadata["is_upward_facing"] > 0.5 elif cond.startswith("down"): mask = metadata["is_upward_facing"] < 0.5 else: raise ValueError("Unsupported condition {}".format(parts[1])) if torch.sum(mask).item() == 0: continue output_k = output_k[mask] target_k = target_k[mask] for c, v in meters_k.items(): c = c.lower() if c == "accuracy": v.update( 100.0 * criterions.mask_accuracy(output_k, target_k).item(), ns, ) elif c == "precision": v.update( 100.0 * criterions.mask_precision(output_k, target_k).item(), ns, ) elif c == "recall": v.update( 100.0 * criterions.mask_recall(output_k, target_k).item(), ns, ) elif c == "f1 score" or c == "f1": v.update( criterions.mask_f1_score(output_k, target_k).item(), ns ) elif c == "jaccard": v.update( criterions.mask_jaccard_index(output_k, target_k).item(), ns ) elif c == "active output": v.update( 100.0 * criterions.mask_active_fraction(output_k).item(), ns ) elif c == "active target": v.update( 100.0 * criterions.mask_active_fraction(target_k).item(), ns ) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognised criterion: {}".format(c)) # compute gradient and do optimizer update step optimizer.zero_grad() try: if use_mixed_precision: with apex.amp.scale_loss(loss, optimizer) as scaled_loss: scaled_loss.backward() else: loss.backward() except Exception as ex: n_backward_errors += 1 if n_backward_errors > 5: # If there have been more than 5 faulty batches in this epoch, we halt # now since it seems like a systemic problem and not a one-off. continue_through_error = False if not continue_through_error: raise ex print("Error in backward step:") print("".join(traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(ex).format())) optimizer.step() if "scheduler" in schedule_data: schedule_data["scheduler"].step() # measure elapsed time batch_time.update(time.time() - end) end = time.time() if i % print_freq == 0 or i + 1 == len(loader): progress.display(i + 1) return ( losses.avg, meters, (example_input, example_data, example_output), (batch_time, data_time), )
[docs]def validate( loader, model, criterion, device, dtype=torch.float, print_freq=10, prefix="Test", num_examples=32, ): """ Validate the model's performance on the validation partition. Parameters ---------- loader : iterable, Dataloader. model : callable, echofilter.nn.wrapper.Echofilter Model. criterion : callable, torch.nn.modules.loss._Loss Loss function. device : str or torch.device Which device the data should be loaded onto. dtype : str or torch.dtype Datatype which which the data should be loaded. print_freq : int, optional Number of batches between reporting progress. Default is `10`. prefix : str, optional Prefix string to prepend to progress meter names. Default is `"Test"`. num_examples : int, optional Number of example inputs to return. Default is `32`. Returns ------- average_loss : float Average loss as given by criterion (weighted equally for each sample in `loader`). meters : dict of dict Each key is a strata of the model output, each mapping to a their own dictionary of evaluation criterions: "Accuracy", "Precision", "Recall", "F1 Score", "Jaccard". examples : tuple of torch.Tensor Tuple of `(example_input, example_data, example_output)`. """ batch_time = AverageMeter("Time", ":6.3f") data_time = AverageMeter("Data", ":6.3f") losses = AverageMeter("Loss", ":6.3f") meters = {} for chn in [ "Overall", "Turbulence", "Bottom", "RemovedSeg", "Passive", "Patch", "Surface", ]: for condition in model.conditions: cs = condition if condition != "": cs = "|" + condition cc = chn + cs meters[cc] = {} meters[cc]["Accuracy"] = AverageMeter("Accuracy (" + cc + ")", ":6.2f") meters[cc]["Precision"] = AverageMeter("Precision (" + cc + ")", ":6.2f") meters[cc]["Recall"] = AverageMeter("Recall (" + cc + ")", ":6.2f") meters[cc]["F1 Score"] = AverageMeter("F1 Score (" + cc + ")", ":6.4f") meters[cc]["Jaccard"] = AverageMeter("Jaccard (" + cc + ")", ":6.4f") progress = ProgressMeter( len(loader), [ batch_time, data_time, losses, meters["Overall"]["Accuracy"], meters["Overall"]["Jaccard"], ], prefix=prefix + ": ", ) # switch to evaluate mode model.eval() example_input = [] example_data = [] example_output = [] example_interval = max(1, len(loader) // num_examples) with torch.no_grad(): end = time.time() for i, (input, metadata) in enumerate(loader): # measure data loading time data_time.update(time.time() - end) input =, dtype, non_blocking=True) metadata = { k:, dtype, non_blocking=True) for k, v in metadata.items() } # Compute output output = model(input) loss = criterion(output, metadata) # Record loss ns = input.size(0) losses.update(loss.item(), ns) if i % example_interval == 0 and len(example_input) < num_examples: example_input.append(input[0].detach()) example_data.append({k: v[0].detach() for k, v in metadata.items()}) example_output.append({k: v[0].detach() for k, v in output.items()}) # Measure and record performance with various metrics for chn_cond, meters_k in meters.items(): chnparts = chn_cond.split("|") chn = chnparts[0].lower() if len(chnparts) < 2: cs = cond = "" else: cond = chnparts[1] cs = "|" + cond if chn.startswith("overall"): output_k = output["mask_keep_pixel" + cs].float() target_k = metadata["mask"] elif chn.startswith("turbulence"): output_k = output["p_is_below_turbulence" + cs] target_k = 1 - metadata["mask_turbulence"] elif chn.startswith("surf"): output_k = output["p_is_below_surface" + cs] target_k = 1 - metadata["mask_surface"] elif chn.startswith("bottom"): output_k = output["p_is_above_bottom" + cs] target_k = 1 - metadata["mask_bottom"] elif chn.startswith("removedseg"): output_k = output["p_is_removed" + cs] target_k = metadata["is_removed"] elif chn.startswith("passive"): output_k = output["p_is_passive" + cs] target_k = metadata["is_passive"] elif chn.startswith("patch"): output_k = output["p_is_patch" + cs] target_k = metadata["mask_patches"] else: raise ValueError("Unrecognised output channel: {}".format(chn)) if cond: if cond.startswith("up"): mask = metadata["is_upward_facing"] > 0.5 elif cond.startswith("down"): mask = metadata["is_upward_facing"] < 0.5 else: raise ValueError("Unsupported condition {}".format(parts[1])) if torch.sum(mask).item() == 0: continue output_k = output_k[mask] target_k = target_k[mask] for c, v in meters_k.items(): c = c.lower() if c == "accuracy": v.update( 100.0 * criterions.mask_accuracy(output_k, target_k).item(), ns, ) elif c == "precision": v.update( 100.0 * criterions.mask_precision(output_k, target_k).item(), ns, ) elif c == "recall": v.update( 100.0 * criterions.mask_recall(output_k, target_k).item(), ns, ) elif c == "f1 score" or c == "f1": v.update( criterions.mask_f1_score(output_k, target_k).item(), ns ) elif c == "jaccard": v.update( criterions.mask_jaccard_index(output_k, target_k).item(), ns ) elif c == "active output": v.update( 100.0 * criterions.mask_active_fraction(output_k).item(), ns ) elif c == "active target": v.update( 100.0 * criterions.mask_active_fraction(target_k).item(), ns ) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognised criterion: {}".format(c)) # measure elapsed time batch_time.update(time.time() - end) end = time.time() if i % print_freq == 0 or i + 1 == len(loader): progress.display(i + 1) # Restack samples, converting list into higher-dim tensor example_input = torch.stack(example_input, dim=0) example_data = { k: torch.stack([a[k] for a in example_data], dim=0) for k in example_data[0] } example_output = { k: torch.stack([a[k] for a in example_output], dim=0) for k in example_output[0] } return losses.avg, meters, (example_input, example_data, example_output)
[docs]def generate_from_transect(model, transect, sample_shape, device, dtype=torch.float): """ Generate an output for a sample transect, . """ # Put model in evaluation mode model.eval() # Make a copy of the transect which we will use to data = copy.deepcopy(transect) # Configure data to match what the model expects to see # Ensure depth is always increasing (which corresponds to descending from # the air down the water column) if data["depths"][-1] < data["depths"][0]: # Found some upward-facing data that still needs to be reflected for k in ["depths", "signals", "mask"]: data[k] = np.flip(data[k], -1).copy() # Apply transforms transform = torchvision.transforms.Compose( [, DATA_DEVIATION),, (data["signals"].shape[0], sample_shape[1]) ), ] ) data = transform(data) input = torch.tensor(data["signals"]).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) input =, dtype).contiguous() # Put data through model with torch.no_grad(): output = model(input) output = {k: v.squeeze(0).cpu().numpy() for k, v in output.items()} output["depths"] = data["depths"] output["timestamps"] = data["timestamps"] return output
def _generate_from_loaded(transect, model, *args, crop_depth=None, **kwargs): """ Generate an output from a loaded transect. """ # Crop long input for key in ( + ): if key in transect: transect[key] = transect[key][:MAX_INPUT_LEN] # Apply depth crop if crop_depth is not None: if transect["is_upward_facing"]: depth_crop_mask = ( transect["depths"] >= np.max(transect["depths"]) - crop_depth ) else: depth_crop_mask = transect["depths"] <= crop_depth for key in if key in transect: transect[key] = transect[key][:, depth_crop_mask] for key in if key in transect: transect[key] = transect[key][depth_crop_mask] # Convert lines to masks ddepths = np.broadcast_to(transect["depths"], transect["Sv"].shape) transect["mask_turbulence"] = np.single( ddepths < np.expand_dims(transect["turbulence"], -1) ) transect["mask_bottom"] = np.single( ddepths > np.expand_dims(transect["bottom"], -1) ) # Add mask_patches to the data, for plotting transect["mask_patches"] = 1 - transect["mask"] transect["mask_patches"][transect["is_passive"] > 0.5] = 0 transect["mask_patches"][transect["is_removed"] > 0.5] = 0 transect["mask_patches"][transect["mask_turbulence"] > 0.5] = 0 transect["mask_patches"][transect["mask_bottom"] > 0.5] = 0 # Generate predictions for the transect transect["signals"] = transect.pop("Sv") prediction = generate_from_transect(model, transect, *args, **kwargs) transect["Sv"] = transect.pop("signals") return transect, prediction
[docs]def generate_from_file(fname, *args, **kwargs): """ Generate an output for a sample transect, specified by its file path. """ # Load the data transect = load_decomposed_transect_mask(fname) # Process the transect return _generate_from_loaded(transect, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def generate_from_shards(fname, *args, **kwargs): """ Generate an output for a sample transect, specified by the path to its sharded data. """ # Load the data transect = echofilter.raw.shardloader.load_transect_segments_from_shards_abs(fname) # Process the transect return _generate_from_loaded(transect, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def save_checkpoint(state, is_best, dirname=".", fname_fmt="checkpoint{}.pt", dup=None): """ Save a model checkpoint, using :meth:``. Parameters ---------- state : dict Model checkpoint state to record. is_best : bool Whether this model state is the best so far. If `True`, the best checkpoint (by default named `""`) will be overwritten with this `state`. dirname : str, optional Path to directory in which the checkpoint will be saved. Default is `"."` (current directory of the executed script). fname_fmt : str, optional Format for the file name(s) of the saved checkpoint(s). Must include one string argument output. Default is `"checkpoint{}.pt"`. dup : str or None If this is not `None`, a duplicate copy of the checkpoint is recorded in accordance with `fname_fmt`. By default the duplicate output file name will be styled as `"checkpoint_<dup>.pt"`. """ os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) fname = os.path.join(dirname, fname_fmt.format("")), fname) if is_best: shutil.copyfile(fname, os.path.join(dirname, fname_fmt.format("_best"))) if dup: shutil.copyfile( fname, os.path.join(dirname, fname_fmt.format("_{}".format(dup))) )
[docs]def meters_to_csv(meters, is_best, dirname=".", filename="meters.csv"): """ Export performance metrics to CSV format. Parameters ---------- meters : dict of dict Collection of output meters, as a nested dictionary. is_best : bool Whether this model state is the best so far. If `True`, the CSV file will be copied to `"model_best.meters.csv"`. dirname : str, optional Path to directory in which the checkpoint will be saved. Default is `"."` (current directory of the executed script). filename : str, optional Format for the output file. Default is `"meters.csv"`. """ os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) df = pd.DataFrame() for chn in meters: if "|" in chn: # Skip conditional model evaluations continue # For each output plane for criterion_name, meter in meters[chn].items(): # For each criterion df[] = meter.values df.to_csv(os.path.join(dirname, filename), index=False) if is_best: shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(dirname, filename), os.path.join(dirname, "model_best.meters.csv"), )
if __name__ == "__main__": main()