
Echoview to raw CSV exporter

usage: ev2csv [-h] [--version] [--source-dir SOURCE_DIR]
              [--recursive-dir-search] [--no-recursive-dir-search]
              [--skip-existing] [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--dry-run]
              [--force] [--output-suffix SUFFIX]
              [--variable-name VARIABLE_NAME]
              [--hide-echoview | --show-echoview | --always-hide-echoview]
              [--minimize-echoview] [--verbose] [--quiet]


These arguments specify special actions to perform. The main action of this program is supressed if any of these are given.

--version, -V

Show program’s version number and exit.

Positional arguments#


File(s)/directory(ies) to process. Inputs can be absolute paths or relative paths to either files or directories. Paths can be given relative to the current directory, or optionally be relative to the SOURCE_DIR argument specified with --source-dir. For each directory given, the directory will be searched recursively for files bearing an extension specified by SEARCH_EXTENSION (see the --extension argument for details). Multiple files and directories can be specified, separated by spaces. This is a required argument. At least one input file or directory must be given. In order to process the directory given by SOURCE_DIR, specify “.” for this argument, such as:

ev2csv . --source-dir SOURCE_DIR

Input file arguments#

Optional parameters specifying which files will processed.

--source-dir, -d

Path to source directory which contains the files and folders specified by the paths argument. Default: "." (the current directory).


For any directories provided in the FILE_OR_DIRECTORY input, all subdirectories will also be recursively walked through to find files to process. This is the default behaviour.


For any directories provided in the FILE_OR_DIRECTORY input, only files within the specified directory will be included in the files to process. Subfolders within the directory will not be included.

--skip-existing, --skip

Skip processing files for which all outputs already exist

Destination file arguments#

Optional parameters specifying where output files will be located.

--output-dir, -o

Path to output directory. If empty (default), each output is placed in the same directory as its input file. If OUTPUT_DIR is specified, the full output path for each file all contains the subtree of the input file relative to the base directory given by SOURCE_DIR.

--dry-run, -n

Perform a trial run, with no changes made. Text printed to the command prompt indicates which files would be processed, but work is only simulated and not performed.

--force, -f

Overwrite existing files without warning. Default behaviour is to stop processing if an output file already exists.

--output-suffix, --suffix

Output filename suffix. Default is "_Sv_raw.csv", or ".Sv_raw.csv" if the --keep_ext argument is supplied.

Input processing arguments#

Optional parameters specifying how data will be loaded from the input files and transformed before it given to the model.

--variable-name, --vn

Name of the Echoview acoustic variable to load from EV files. Default: "Fileset1: Sv pings T1".

Echoview window management#

Optional parameters specifying how to interact with any Echoview windows which are used during this process.


Hide any Echoview window spawned by this program. If it must use an Echoview instance which was already running, that window is not hidden. This is the default behaviour.


Don’t hide an Echoview window created to run this code. (Disables the default behaviour which is equivalent to --hide-echoview.)

--always-hide-echoview, --always-hide

Hide the Echoview window while this code runs, even if this process is utilising an Echoview window which was already open.


Minimize any Echoview window used to runs this code while it runs. The window will be restored once the program is finished. If this argument is supplied, --show-echoview is implied unless --hide-echoview is also given.

Verbosity arguments#

Optional parameters controlling how verbose the program should be while it is running.

--verbose, -v

Increase the level of verbosity of the program. This can be specified multiple times, each will increase the amount of detail printed to the terminal. The default verbosity level is 1.

--quiet, -q

Decrease the level of verbosity of the program. This can be specified multiple times, each will reduce the amount of detail printed to the terminal.