
Dataset creation and manipulation.

Submodules# module#

Convert echograms into Pytorch dataset.

Tools for converting a dataset of echograms (transects) into a Pytorch dataset and sampling from it.

class Iterable[])[source]#


Dataset as a concatenation of multiple TransectDatasets.

This class is useful to assemble different existing datasets.


datasets (sequence) – List of datasets to be concatenated.


A subclass of which supports the initialise_datapoints method.

cumulative_sizes: List[int]#
datasets: List[[]]#


Sample elements randomly without repetition, stratified across datasets.


data_source ( – Dataset to sample from. Must possess a cumulative_sizes attribute.

property num_samples#
class, window_len=128, p_scale_window=0, window_sf=2, num_windows_per_transect=0, use_dynamic_offsets=True, crop_depth=None, transform=None, remove_nearfield=True, nearfield_distance=1.7, nearfield_visible_dist=0.0, remove_offset_turbulence=0, remove_offset_bottom=0)[source]#


Load a collection of transects as a PyTorch dataset.

  • transect_paths (list) – Absolute paths to transects.

  • window_len (int) – Width (number of timestamps) to load. Default is 128.

  • p_scale_window (float, optional) – Probability of rescaling window. Default is 0, which results in no randomization of the window widths.

  • window_sf (float, optional) – Maximum window scale factor. Scale factors will be log-uniformly sampled in the range 1/window_sf to window_sf. Default is 2.

  • num_windows_per_transect (int) – Number of windows to extract for each transect. Start indices for the windows will be equally spaced across the total width of the transect. If this is 0, the number of windows will be inferred automatically based on window_len and the total width of the transect, resulting in a different number of windows for each transect. Default is 0.

  • use_dynamic_offsets (bool) – Whether starting indices for each window should be randomly offset. Set to True for training and False for testing. Default is True.

  • crop_depth (float) – Maximum depth to include, in metres. Deeper data will be cropped away. Default is None.

  • transform (callable) – Operations to perform to the dictionary containing a single sample. These are performed before generating the turbulence/bottom/overall mask. Default is None.

  • remove_nearfield (bool, optional) – Whether to remove turbulence and bottom lines affected by nearfield removal. If True (default), targets for the line near to the sounder (bottom if upward facing, turbulence otherwise) which are closer than or equal to a distance of nearfield_distance become reduced to nearfield_visible_dist.

  • nearfield_distance (float, optional) – Nearfield distance in metres. Regions closer than the nearfield may have been masked out from the dataset, but their effect will be removed from the targets if remove_nearfield=True. Default is 1.7.

  • nearfield_visible_dist (float, optional) – The distance at which the effect of being to close to the sounder is obvious to the naked eye, and hence the distance which nearfield will be mapped to if remove_nearfield=True. Default is 0.0.

  • remove_offset_turbulence (float, optional) – Line offset built in to the turbulence line. If given, this will be removed from the samples within the dataset. Default is 0.

  • remove_offset_bottom (float, optional) – Line offset built in to the bottom line. If given, this will be removed from the samples within the dataset. Default is 0.


Parse transect_paths to generate sampling windows for each transect.

Manually calling this method will resample the transect offsets and widths if they were randomly generated., remove_nearfield=True, nearfield_distance=1.7, nearfield_visible_dist=0.0, remove_offset_turbulence=0.0, remove_offset_bottom=0.0, crop_depth=None, transform=None)[source]#

Handle a dataset transect sample.

  • sample (dict) – Transect dictionary.

  • remove_nearfield (bool, default=True) – Whether to remove turbulence and bottom lines affected by nearfield removal. If True (default), targets for the line near to the sounder (bottom if upward facing, turbulence otherwise) which are closer than or equal to a distance of nearfield_distance become reduced to nearfield_visible_dist.

  • nearfield_distance (float, default=1.7) – Nearfield distance in metres. Regions closer than the nearfield may have been masked out from the dataset, but their effect will be removed from the targets if remove_nearfield=True.

  • nearfield_visible_dist (float, default=0) – The distance at which the effect of being to close to the sounder is obvious to the naked eye, and hence the distance which nearfield will be mapped to if remove_nearfield=True.

  • remove_offset_turbulence (float, default=0) – Line offset built in to the turbulence line. If given, this will be removed from the samples within the dataset.

  • remove_offset_bottom (float, default=0) – Line offset built in to the bottom line. If given, this will be removed from the samples within the dataset.

  • crop_depth (float) – Maximum depth to include, in metres. Deeper data will be cropped away. Default is None.

  • transform (callable, optional) – Operations to perform to the dictionary containing a single sample. These are performed before generating the turbulence/bottom/overall mask.


Like sample, but contents fixed.

Return type

dict module#

Transformations and augmentations to be applied to echogram transects.

class, contrast=0)[source]#

Bases: object

Randomly change the brightness and contrast of a normalized image.

Note that changes are made inplace.

  • brightness (float or tuple of float (min, max)) – How much to jitter brightness. brightness_factor is chosen uniformly from [-brightness, brightness] or the given [min, max]. brightness_factor is then added to the image.

  • contrast (float or tuple of float (min, max)) – How much to jitter contrast. contrast_factor is chosen uniformly from [max(0, 1 - contrast), 1 + contrast] or the given [min, max]. Should be non negative numbers.

class, deviation, robust2stdev=True)[source]#

Bases: object

Normalize offset and scaling of image (mean and standard deviation).

Note that changes are made inplace.

  • center ({"mean", "median", "pc10"} or float) – If a float, a pre-computed centroid measure of the distribution of samples, such as the pixel mean. If a string, a method to use to determine the center value.

  • deviation ({"stdev", "mad", "iqr", "idr", "i7r"} or float) – If a float, a pre-computed deviation measure of the distribution of samples. If a string, a method to use to determine the deviation.

  • robust2stdev (bool, optional) – Whether to convert robust measures to estimates of the standard deviation. Default is True.


Bases: object

A transform which crops a sample depthwise to focus on the water column.

The output contains only the space between highest surface and deepest seafloor line measurements.

class, p_crop_is_optimal=0.1, p_crop_is_close=0.4, p_nearfield_side_crop=0.5, fraction_close=0.25)[source]#

Bases: object

Randomly crop a sample depthwise.

  • p_crop_is_none (float, optional) – Probability of not doing any crop. Default is 0.1.

  • p_crop_is_optimal (float, optional) – Probability of doing an “optimal” crop, running optimal_crop_depth. Default is 0.1.

  • p_crop_is_close (float, optional) – Probability of doing crop which is zoomed in and close to the “optimal” crop, running optimal_crop_depth. Default is 0.4. If neither no crop, optimal, nor close-to-optimal crop is selected, the crop is randomly sized over the full extent of the range of depths.

  • p_nearfield_side_crop (float, optional) – Probability that the nearfield side is cropped. Default is 0.5.

  • fraction_close (float, optional) – Fraction by which crop is increased/decreased in either direction when doing a close to optimal crop. Default is 0.25.


Bases: object

Randomly crop a sample in the width dimension.


max_crop_fraction (float) – Maximum amount of material to crop away, as a fraction of the total width. The crop_fraction will be sampled uniformly from the range [0, max_crop_fraction]. The crop is always centred.

class, p=0.5, sigma=8.0, alpha=0.05, order=1)[source]#


Resample data onto a new grid, elastically deformed from the original grid.

  • output_size (tuple or int or None) – Desired output size. If tuple, output is matched to output_size. If int, output is square. If None, the size remains unchanged from the input.

  • p (float, optional) – Probability of performing the RandomGrid operation. Default is 0.5.

  • sigma (float, optional) – Gaussian filter kernel size. Default is 8.0.

  • alpha (float, optional) – Maximum size of image distortions, relative to the length of the side of the image. Default is 0.05.

  • order (int or None, optional) –

    Order of the interpolation, for both image and vector elements. For images-like components, the interpolation is 2d. The following values are supported:

    • 0: Nearest-neighbor

    • 1: Linear (default)

    • 2: Quadratic

    • 3: Cubic

    If None, the order is randomly selected from the set {1, 2, 3}.

class*args, p=0.5, **kwargs)[source]#


Resample data onto a new grid, which is randomly resampled.

  • output_size (tuple or int) – Desired output size. If tuple, output is matched to output_size. If int, output is square.

  • p (float, optional) – Probability of performing the RandomGrid operation. Default is 0.5.

  • order (int or None, optional) –

    Order of the interpolation, for both image and vector elements. For images-like components, the interpolation is 2d. The following values are supported:

    • 0: Nearest-neighbor

    • 1: Linear (default)

    • 2: Quadratic

    • 3: Cubic

    If None, the order is randomly selected from the set {0, 1, 3}.

class, p=0.5)[source]#

Bases: object

Randomly reflect a sample.

  • axis (int, optional) – Axis to reflect. Default is 0.

  • p (float, optional) – Probability of reflection. Default is 0.5.


Bases: object

Replace NaNs with a finite float value.


nan_val (float, optional) – Value to replace NaNs with. Default is 0.0.

class, order=1)[source]#

Bases: object

Rescale the image(s) in a sample to a given size.

  • output_size (tuple or int) – Desired output size. If tuple, output is matched to output_size. If int, output is square.

  • order (int or None, optional) –

    Order of the interpolation, for both image and vector elements. For images-like components, the interpolation is 2d. The following values are supported:

    • 0: Nearest-neighbor

    • 1: Linear (default)

    • 2: Quadratic

    • 3: Cubic

    If None, the order is randomly selected as either 0 or 1.

order2kind = {0: 'nearest', 1: 'linear', 2: 'quadratic', 3: 'cubic'}#[source]#

Crop a sample depthwise to surround the water column.

The crop is to contain only the space between highest surface and deepest seafloor.


transect (dict) – Transect dictionary. module#

Utility functions for dataset.[source]#

Seed builtin random and numpy with torch.randint().

A worker initialization function for objects which seeds builtin random and numpy with torch.randint() (which is stable if torch is manually seeded in the main program).


worker_id (int) – The ID of the worker.[source]#

Seed builtin random, numpy, and torch with worker_id.

A worker initialization function for objects which produces the same seed for builtin random, numpy, and torch every time, so it is the same for every epoch.


worker_id (int) – The ID of the worker.