Source code for echofilter.plotting

Plotting utilities.

import copy

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from . import utils

BOTTOM_COLOR = "#00ee00"

# ColorBrewer Paired values
BOTTOM_COLOR = "#b2df8a"
SURFACE_COLOR = "#4ba82a"

PASSIVE_COLOR = [0.4, 0.4, 0.4]

[docs]def ensure_axes_inverted(axes=None, dir="y"): """ Invert axis direction, if not already inverted. Parameters ---------- axes : matplotlib.axes or None The axes to invert. If ``None``, the current axes are used (default). dir : {"x", "y", "xy"} The axis to invert. Default is ``"y"``. """ if axes is None: axes = plt.gca() if "y" in dir: lim = axes.get_ylim() if lim[1] > lim[0]: axes.invert_yaxis() if "x" in dir: lim = axes.get_xlim() if lim[1] > lim[0]: axes.invert_xaxis()
[docs]def plot_indicator_hatch( indicator, xx=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, hatch="//", color="k" ): """ Plot a hatch across indicated segments along the x-axis of a plot. Parameters ---------- indicator : numpy.ndarray vector Whether to include or exclude each column along the x-axis. Included columns are indicated with non-zero values. xx : numpy.ndarray vector, optional Values taken by indicator along the x-axis. If ``None`` (default), the indices of ``indicator`` are used: ``arange(len(indicator))``. ymin : float, optional The lower y-value of the extent of the hatching. If ``None`` (default), the minimum y-value of the current axes is used. ymax : float, optional The upper y-value of the extent of the hatching. If ``None`` (default), the maximum y-value of the current axes is used. hatch : str, optional Hatching pattern to use. Default is ``"//"``. color : color, optional Color of the hatching pattern. Default is black. """ if xx is None: xx = np.arange(len(indicator)) if ymin is None or ymax is None: ylim = plt.gca().get_ylim() if ymin is None: ymin = ylim[0] if ymax is None: ymax = ylim[1] r_starts, r_ends = utils.get_indicator_onoffsets(indicator) if len(r_starts) == 0: return for r_start, r_end in zip(r_starts, r_ends): plt.fill_between( xx[[r_start, r_end]], [ymin, ymin], [ymax, ymax], facecolor="none", hatch=hatch, edgecolor=color, linewidth=0.0, )
[docs]def plot_mask_hatch(*args, hatch="//", color="k", border=False): """ Plot hatching according to a mask shape. Parameters ---------- X, Y : array-like, optional The coordinates of the values in Z. X and Y must both be 2-D with the same shape as ``Z`` (e.g. created via numpy.meshgrid), or they must both be 1-D such that ``len(X) == M`` is the number of columns in ``Z`` and ``len(Y) == N`` is the number of rows in ``Z``. If not given, they are assumed to be integer indices, i.e. ``X = range(M)``, ``Y = range(N)``. Z : array-like(N, M) Indicator for which locations should be hatched. If ``Z`` is not a boolean array, any location where ``Z > 0`` will be hatched. hatch : str, optional The hatching pattern to apply. Default is "//". color : color, optional The color of the hatch. Default is black. border : bool, optional Whether to include border around hatch. Default is ``False``. """ args = list(args) args[-1] = args[-1] > 0 if len(args) == 3: # Transpose Z if necessary, as it expects its shape the opposite way # around to what you might expect. if ( args[0].shape[0] == args[2].shape[1] and args[1].shape[0] == args[2].shape[0] ): pass elif ( args[0].shape[0] == args[2].shape[0] and args[1].shape[0] == args[2].shape[1] ): args[2] = args[2].T cs = plt.contourf( *args, levels=[-3.4e38, 0.5, 3.4e38], colors=["none", "none"], hatches=[None, hatch], ) # Change the color of the hatches in each layer for collection in cs.collections: collection.set_edgecolor(color) # Doing this also colors in the box around each level. # We can remove the colored line around the levels by setting the # linewidth to 0. if not border: for collection in cs.collections: collection.set_linewidth(0.0)
[docs]def plot_transect( transect, signal_type=None, x_scale="index", show_regions=True, turbulence_color=TURBULENCE_COLOR, bottom_color=BOTTOM_COLOR, surface_color=SURFACE_COLOR, passive_color=PASSIVE_COLOR, removed_color=None, linewidth=1, cmap=None, ): r""" Plot a transect. Parameters ---------- transect : dict Transect values. signal_type : str, optional The signal to plot as a heatmap. Default is ``"Sv"`` if present, or "signals" if not. If this is ``"Sv_masked"``, the mask (given by ``transect["mask"]``) is used to mask ``transect["Sv"]`` before plotting. x_scale : {"index", "timestamp" "time"}, optional Scaling for x-axis. If ``"timestamp"``, the number of seconds since the Unix epoch is shown; if ``"time"``, the amount of time in seconds since the start of the transect is shown. Default is ``"index"``. show_regions : bool, optional Whether to show segments of data maked as removed or passive with hatching. Passive data is shown with ``"/"`` oriented lines, other removed timestamps with ``"\"`` oriented lines. Default is ``True``. turbulence_color : color, optional Color of turbulence line. Default is ``"#a6cee3"``. bottom_color : color, optional Color of bottom line. Default is ``"#b2df8a"``. surface_color : color, optional Color of surface line. Default is ``"#d68ade"``. passive_color : color, optional Color of passive segment hatching. Default is `[.4, .4, .4]`. removed_color : color, optional Color of removed segment hatching. Default is ``"r"`` if ``cmap`` is ``"viridis"``, and ``"b"`` otherwise. linewidth : int Width of lines. Default is ``2``. cmap : str, optional Name of a registered matplotlib colormap. If ``None`` (default), the current default colormap is used. """ x_scale = x_scale.lower() if removed_color is not None: pass elif isinstance(cmap, str) and cmap == "viridis": removed_color = "r" else: removed_color = REMOVED_COLOR if signal_type is not None: pass elif "Sv" in transect: signal_type = "Sv" elif "signals" in transect: signal_type = "signals" else: raise ValueError( "No signal key found in transect. Available keys were: {}".format( transect.keys() ) ) turbulence_key = None for k in ("turbulence", "d_turbulence", "top", "d_top"): if k in transect: turbulence_key = k break bottom_key = None for k in ("bottom", "d_bottom", "bot", "d_bot"): if k in transect: bottom_key = k break surface_key = None for k in ("surface", "d_surface", "d_surf", "surf"): if k in transect: surface_key = k break if x_scale == "index": tt = np.arange(transect["timestamps"].shape[0]) xlabel = "Ping index" elif x_scale == "timestamp": tt = transect["timestamps"] xlabel = "Timestamp (s)" elif x_scale == "time": tt = transect["timestamps"] - transect["timestamps"][0] xlabel = "Time (s)" else: raise ValueError("Unsupported x_scale: {}".format(x_scale)) if signal_type == "Sv_masked": signal = copy.deepcopy(transect["Sv"]) signal[~transect["mask"]] = np.nan else: signal = transect[signal_type] plt.pcolormesh(tt, transect["depths"], signal.T) if cmap is not None: plt.set_cmap(cmap) if surface_key is not None: plt.plot(tt, transect[surface_key], surface_color, linewidth=linewidth) if turbulence_key is not None: plt.plot(tt, transect[turbulence_key], turbulence_color, linewidth=linewidth) if bottom_key is not None: plt.plot(tt, transect[bottom_key], bottom_color, linewidth=linewidth) if show_regions: plot_indicator_hatch( transect.get("is_passive", []), xx=tt, ymin=transect["depths"][0], ymax=transect["depths"][-1], hatch="//", color=passive_color, ) plot_indicator_hatch( transect.get("is_removed", []), xx=tt, ymin=transect["depths"][0], ymax=transect["depths"][-1], hatch=r"\\", color=removed_color, ) if show_regions and "mask_patches" in transect: plot_mask_hatch( tt, transect["depths"], transect["mask_patches"], hatch=r"\\", color=removed_color, border=True, ) plt.tick_params(reset=True, color=(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)) plt.tick_params(labelsize=14) plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=18) plt.ylabel("Depth (m)", fontsize=18) # Make sure y-axis is inverted (lowest depth at the top) ensure_axes_inverted(dir="y")
[docs]def plot_transect_predictions(transect, prediction, linewidth=1, cmap=None): r""" Plot the generated output for a transect against its ground truth data. - Ground truth data is shown in black, predictions in white. - Passive regions are hatched in / direction for ground truth, \ for prediciton. - Removed regions are hatched in \ direction for ground truth, / for prediction. Parameters ---------- transect : dict Ground truth data for the transect. prediction : dict Predictions for the transect. linewidth : int Width of lines. Default is ``2``. cmap : str, optional Name of a registered matplotlib colormap. If ``None`` (default), the current default colormap is used. """ plot_transect( transect, x_scale="index", turbulence_color="k", bottom_color="k", surface_color="k", passive_color="k", removed_color="k", linewidth=linewidth, cmap=cmap, ) # Convert output into lines for shape_y in ( prediction["p_is_above_turbulence"].shape[-1], prediction["p_is_below_bottom"].shape[-1], ): if not np.allclose(prediction["depths"].shape, shape_y): print("Shape mismatch: {} {}".format(prediction["depths"].shape, shape_y)) surface_depths = prediction["depths"][ utils.last_nonzero(prediction["p_is_above_surface"] > 0.5, -1) ] turbulence_depths = prediction["depths"][ utils.last_nonzero(prediction["p_is_above_turbulence"] > 0.5, -1) ] bottom_depths = prediction["depths"][ utils.first_nonzero(prediction["p_is_below_bottom"] > 0.5, -1) ] tt = np.linspace(0, len(transect["timestamps"]) - 1, len(turbulence_depths)) plt.plot(tt, surface_depths, "w", linewidth=linewidth) plt.plot(tt, turbulence_depths, "w", linewidth=linewidth) plt.plot(tt, bottom_depths, "w", linewidth=linewidth) # Mark removed areas plot_indicator_hatch( prediction.get("p_is_passive", np.array([])) > 0.5, xx=tt, ymin=transect["depths"][0], ymax=transect["depths"][-1], hatch="\\\\", color="w", ) plot_indicator_hatch( prediction.get("p_is_removed", np.array([])) > 0.5, xx=tt, ymin=transect["depths"][0], ymax=transect["depths"][-1], hatch="//", color="w", ) if "p_is_patch" in prediction: plot_mask_hatch( tt, prediction["depths"], prediction["p_is_patch"] > 0.5, hatch="//", color="w", border=True, ) # Make sure y-axis is inverted (lowest depth at the top) ensure_axes_inverted(dir="y")